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36AAOFS0259F1Z2  |  Hyderabad
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GSTIN Details
As of 18 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business


Trade Name


GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

01 Jul 2017

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business


Place of Business

Hyderabad, Telangana

Nature Of Business

Factory / Manufacturing

Wholesale Business

Warehouse / Depot

Bonded Warehouse

Office / Sale Office

GST number of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE is 36AAOFS0259F1Z2. This business was registered under Partnership on 01 Jul 2017. This is GST number of Telangana.

More Details

Business Owners

Vijay Kumar Shah

Rachit V Shah

Vishanji Bhavanji Shah

Milind Shah

Taxpayer Type




Principal place of Business

15-6-519, Begum Bazar, Begum Bazar, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500012

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - HYDERABAD Commissionerate - HYDERABAD Division - BEGUMBAZAR Range - BEGUMBAZAR-III (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

State - Telangana Division - Charminar Circle - Charminar STU-1 (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

Third Floor,, Roxana Fortune, 8-2-686/6/D/9 9/1, 8-2-684/1/A/2,A/3, Swastik Mirch Store, Road No-12, Banjarahills,, Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500034
Survey No.551/P, Fore Agro Pvt.Ltd Unit-I, Elikatta Village, Farooqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy, Telangana, 509216
Survey No.551/P, Fore Agro Pvt.Ltd Unit-II Cold Storage, Elikatta Village, Farooqnagar Mandal, Rangareddy, Telangana, 509216
Mangalpally Village, Survey No - 191 AA, Vajra Cold Storage Pvt.Ltd, Koheda Road, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal, Mangalpally, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501511
Sy No.316/A, Shah Agro Coldex, Shah Agro Coldex, Turkayamjal Municipality,Abdullapurmet Mandal, Rangannaguda Village, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501510
5-134, Sai Radhakrishna Cold Storage Pvt Ltd, Main Road, Petalguda, Mangalpalle, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501510
Survey No.40, 8-80/2, KOHEDA COLD STORAGE LLP, Abdullahpurmet, Koheda Village, Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501511
7 4 94/B, Savla Spices, Gaganpahad, Gaganpahad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500001
16 10 1/S/102/D, Sri Krupa Market, Malakpet, Malakpet, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500001
6 8 128/P, Kattedan Industrial Area, Kattedan , Rajendra Nagar Mandal, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500077
Sita Masalas Cold Storage, 11/482, Sy no.11/48, No.667/2, Satamrai Village,Shamshabad Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501218
Survey No.235,236, Koheda Road, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal, Mangalpalle, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501510
Sy No.215/U, Kyatham's Sri Vidya Cold Storage Pvt Ltd, Mangalpalle Village, Ibrahimpatnam, Mangalpalle, Rangareddy, Telangana, 501510
Survey No.99/1, Mamidipally Village, Shamshabad, Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500108

Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC

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Spare parts and other raw materials (including semi-finished...
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Associated GST numbers

No associated GST numbers were found for SWASTIK MIRCH STORE


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The owner of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE is Vijay Kumar Shah, Rachit V Shah, Vishanji Bhavanji Shah, Milind Shah.

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SWASTIK MIRCH STORE is legally registered in the name of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE and involved in Factory / Manufacturing, Wholesale Business, Warehouse / Depot, Bonded Warehouse, Office / Sale Office type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE issued under the GST system in India is 36AAOFS0259F1Z2 which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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Legal name is SWASTIK MIRCH STORE and the Trade Name is SWASTIK MIRCH STORE.

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GSTIN status of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE 36AAOFS0259F1Z2 is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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SWASTIK MIRCH STORE legal entity type is Partnership.

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The registered address of SWASTIK MIRCH STORE is 15-6-519, Begum Bazar, Begum Bazar, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500012.

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The principal place of business is 15-6-519, Begum Bazar, Begum Bazar, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500012.

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Under the GST Act 2017, SWASTIK MIRCH STORE a Partnership is officially registered with GST on 01 Jul 2017.

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