GST details of Saubhagya Marketing 24BOBPS4192F1ZX Ahmedabad, Gujarat
As of 14 December 2024
Saubhagya Marketing
GSTIN status
Active (Regular)
Date Of Registration
21 July 2017
Legal Name Of Business
Jimit Vinodbhai Shah
Trade Name
Saubhagya Marketing
Place of Business
Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Constitution Of Business
Nature Of Business
Wholesale Business
Retail Business
Annual Aggregate Turnover
Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC
0910 GINGER, SAFFRON, TURMERIC (CURCUMA), THYME, BAY LEAVES, CURRY AND OTHER SPICES Industry Vegetable Products Sub Industry Coffee, tea, mate and spices |
More details
Business Owners
Jimit Vinodbhai Shah
Taxpayer Type
Gross Total Income
Principle place of Business
132, Vaniyavas, Giramtha, Daskroi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 382425
Jurisdiction Center
State - CBIC
Commissionerate - AHMEDABAD SOUTH
Range - RANGE I
Jurisdiction State
State - Gujarat
Division - Division - 2
Range - Range - 6
Unit - Ghatak 21 (Ahmedabad)
(Jurisdictional Office)
No other place of business found for
Saubhagya Marketing
Associated GST numbers
No associated GST numbers were found for Saubhagya Marketing
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The owner of Saubhagya Marketing is Jimit Vinodbhai Shah.
Saubhagya Marketing is legally registered in the name of Jimit Vinodbhai Shah and involved in Wholesale Business, Retail Business type of business.
The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of Saubhagya Marketing issued under the GST system in India is 24BOBPS4192F1ZX which can be found on the company’s invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (
Legal name is Jimit Vinodbhai Shah and the Trade Name is Saubhagya Marketing.
GSTIN status of Saubhagya Marketing 24BOBPS4192F1ZX is Active and registration type is Regular.
Jimit Vinodbhai Shah legal entity type is Proprietorship.
The registered address of Saubhagya Marketing is 132, Vaniyavas, Giramtha, Daskroi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 382425.
The principal place of business is 132, Vaniyavas, Giramtha, Daskroi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 382425
Under the GST Act 2017, Saubhagya Marketing a Proprietorship is officially registered with GST on 21 July 2017.