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27AAACL4936H1ZG  |  Mumbai Suburban
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GSTIN Details
As of 20 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business


Trade Name


GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

01 Jul 2017

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business

Private Limited Company

Place of Business

Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra

Nature Of Business

Service Provision

Office / Sale Office

Recipient of Goods or Services

Wholesale Business

Warehouse / Depot

GST number of LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD is 27AAACL4936H1ZG. This business was registered under Private Limited Company on 01 Jul 2017. This is GST number of Maharashtra.

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Principal place of Business

4th Floor, 741, Solitaire Corporate Park, Ghatkopar Link Road, Chakala,Andheri-East, Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400093

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - MUMBAI Commissionerate - MUMBAI-EAST Division - DIVISION X Range - RANGE-III (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

State - Maharashtra Zone - MUMBAI_NORTH Division - SAKINAKA Charge - CHAKALA_701 (Jurisdictional Office)

56, Juhu Shopping Centre, Gulmohar Road, Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400049
RCC Godown No. 984/7,8 and 9, Godown No. B/1 to B/5, Caretaker - M/s Chintamani Warehousing Company, Bhandari Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-1 to A-21, A-14A, B-1 to B-15, D-1 to D-8, Caretaker - M/s Deshmukh Warehousing Pvt Ltd, Shree Dutta Compound, Rehnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. L-7 to L-14, T-1 to T-6, T-9, T-10, Caretaker - M/s Deshmukh Warehousing Pvt Ltd, Laxmi Compound, Rehnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1 to 5, Survey No. 172/10, Hissa No. 10, Caretaker - M/s Mahalaxmi Warehousing Company, Gopinath Compound, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 10A, Survey No. 172, Caretaker - M/s Mahalaxmi Warehousing Company, Gala Associated Dal Mill Compound, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. B-6, Survey No. 172, Caretaker - M/s Mahalaxmi Warehousing Company, Raghunath Compound, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 4, Survey No. 194, Hissa No. 8, Shed No. 4, Caretaker - M/s Mahalaxmi Warehousing Company, Dal Mill Compound, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Shed Godown No. C-1 to C-11, B-3, D-12, F-5 to 7, Caretaker - M/s Nikhil Warehouse Company, Jai Shreeram Complex, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
RCC Godown No. D-6 to D-8, D-29 to D-32, D-42 to D-45, Caretaker - M/s Nikhil Warehouse Company, Jai Shreeram Complex, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
RCC Godown No. E-3 to E-20, F-7 to F-12, C-6B, C-7C, C-8D, Caretaker - M/s Nikhil Warehouse Company, Jai Shreeram Complex, Opp J.K. Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 1,2,7 to 12, 104, Survey No. 18, Hissa No. 1and2, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 110, 10, 12A, 13A, Survey No. 18, Hissa No. 3P, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 15, 16, 17, 21 to 34, Survey No. 22, Hissa No. 2, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 1 to 11, Survey No. 22, Hissa No. 6, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 1, 12, Survey No. 21/22, Hissa No. 1, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Godown No. 3-9, Survey No. 23,Building No. B3, Caretaker - M/s Paras Warehousing Company, Choudhary / Gayatri Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey No. 24, Godown No. J-4, H-3, Survey No. 125/5/1, Caretaker - M/s Sambhavnath Warehouse and Logistics, Jai Bhagwan Compound, Behind Preeti Petrol Pump, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey No. 29/3, BLDG No.B-15, Gala No. 8 to 11, Caretaker - M/s Sambhavnath Warehouse and Logistics, Parasnath Complex, Ovali Village, Dapoda Road, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey No. 27/1, Caretaker - M/s Sambhavnath Warehouse and Logistics, Modern Engineering Compund, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey No. 170/9, Gala No. 5 to 8 and 171/13 Gala No 9 to 14, Caretaker - M/s Shreeji Warehouse, Ramchandra Compound and Govind Compound, Behind R.C. Bapu Pteol Pump, Rehnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1 to 9,H,I,J,K,L,Q,R,S,T RCC 1, Caretaker - Ambica Warehousing Co., Abmica Compound Surveys nos. 178-1-1, 179, 180,, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1 to 8,Building F-2, Caretaker - Anant Logistics, Parasnath Complex, Owali Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1 to 4, Bldg G-1, Caretaker - Delta Logistics, Globe Complex, Near, Ruchita Hotel, Dapoda Road, Owali Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 729, 730, 732 to 734, Caretaker - Orange Goods Storage Transit, Choudhary Compound, Anjur Bhiwandi Road, Val Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 789, 790 to 794, 804, Caretaker - Orange Goods Storage Transit, Arihant Compound, Anjur Bhiwandi Road, Val Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 136/1, 136/2, Caretaker - Orange Goods Storage Transit, Kanchan Compound, Anjur Bhiwandi Road, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. M-4 to M-7, N-7, E-18, E-19, E-21, F-1/3, Caretaker - Orange Goods Storage Transit, Padmavati Compound, Anjur Bhiwandi Road, Val Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-1, B-3 to B-8, B-11, B-12, Survey No. 96/4, Caretaker - Orange Goods Storage Transit, Omkar Compound, Anjur Bhiwandi Road, Val Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey No. 136-1, 3, Caretaker - Orange Logistics, Joysar Compound, Dapoda Road, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 3 Bldg A-11, 9 Bldg F-5, Caretaker - Shree Ganpati Logistics, Preeana Complex, Dapode Road, Valgaon, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 95, Caretaker - Pooja Storing, Brahma Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-4, A-6, A-7, Caretaker - Pooja Storing, Brahma Bhoirwadi Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. M-4, M-5, Caretaker - Pooja Storing, Mahavir Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 405, 406, Caretaker - Pooja Storing, Harsh Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. E5 to E10, J17 to J20, FP1, FP2, P1, P2, F6 to F9, Caretaker - Shri Siddhivinayak Logistics, Survey No. 29, Krishnabai Compound, Anjur Dapoda Road, Valgaon, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. B-1, B-2, 15, 96, 97, 98, Caretaker - Swapnil Warehousing Corporation, Brahma Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-2 to A-7, B-5, Caretaker - Swapnil Warehousing Corporation, Brahma Bhoirwadi Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-8, Caretaker - Swapnil Warehousing Corporation, Bhamre Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. M-4, M-5, M-6, B-6, D-9, Caretaker - Swapnil Warehousing Corporation, Mahavir Compound, Rahnal Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. C-2, C-4, 1st Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. A-1, A-2, A-6, A-7, B-4, B-6, 4, 2nd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 5, 8, 9, 13, Survey No. 11/7, 3rd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1, Survey No. 381/1, 3rd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 3, Survey No. 338/3, 3rd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 5, Survey No. 338/5, 3rd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 18, Survey No. 18, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Manish Estate, Choudhary Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. G-7, 3rd Lane, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Kandagale Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 19, 20, 21 Bldg A-10, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Prerna Complex, Dapoda Raod, Valgoan, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 9, 10 Bldg A-12, Caretaker - Swastik Roadways Corporation, Prerna Complex, Dapoda Raod, Valgoan, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 3 to 9, 13, Survey No. 23, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Gayatri Complex, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1, 2, 7 to 12, 104 Survey No. 18, Hissa No. 1, 2, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Manish Compound, Manish Estate, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 3,10,12,110,12A, 13A Survey No.18, Hissa No. 3P, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Chowdhary Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 15, 16, 17, 21 to 34 Survey No.22, Hissa No. 2, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Chowdhary Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1 to 11 Survey No.22, Hissa No. 6, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Chowdhary Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. 1, 12 Survey No.21, Hissa No. 1, Caretaker - Paras Enterprises, Chowdhary Compound, Purna Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Survey no 89 & 93,H No 850, Whitespace Logistics Private Limited, Gavanphata Chirner Road, PO.Dighode Taluka Uran, Veshvi Village, Navi Mumbai, Raigad, Maharashtra, 400702
Survey No.10/7, 41/8, 41/5, 41/2, 42/3, Whitespace Logistics Private Limited, Post chirner, Chirner Branch Post Office, kalambusare village, Navi Mumbai, Raigad, Maharashtra, 400702
Survey No.69,70,31,32,33,34, Aadinath Goods Storage and Transit, Anjur Dapode Road, Pritesh Complex, Ovali, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421305
Building No.A/7,10,11,12,14,B/6,7,F/5,7, MOMAI WAREHOUSE, Anjur Dapoda Road, Prerna Complex, Val, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No. E1 to E12 and Gala No.W1 to W13, STORE N SHIFT, Anjur Valgaon Raod,, Opposite kanchen Compound, Near Rahanal Village, Anjur Phata, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Prerna Complex, Gala No.3 to 8,Building No A5, Gala No 1 & 2,Building No B2, RIDDHI LOGISTICS, Dapoda Road, Opp Lalji Mulji Transport Company, Bhiwandi, Val Village, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
ABC Compound Gala No.SV 4,7,3 & Veera Compound.Gala No.15, Gopal Compound.Gala No.C-4/5,7,8,9&Veera Comp.Gala No.2 to 6, SHREE GAJANAN WAREHOUSE, Purne Village Road, Inside Dal mill compound, Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Bldg O-Gala 3,7& Shed.No 840 Gala 1,2,3 Dropati Chaaya Comp., Building No.M,Gala -1,2,8 &C Gala 1,J/2 Gala 3,4& L-Gala 11,, OMKAR WAREHOUSE ,Survey No.23/5, Purne Village Road, Jai Bhagwan Complex, Near Chaudhary Compound, Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
177/1/2/3/4,H.NO.882, Dhanlaxmi Compound, Dhanlaxmi Warehousing Company, Purne Village Road, Opposite J.K.Petrol Pump, Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No .8 Survey 19,Survey 23 Gala No.5, Build.No.T Gala No.4 & 8 Survey.23,Gala No.6&7 Survey.15, OMKAR LOGISTICS,Globe Complex, Dapoda Road, Near Ruchitha Hotel opposite CNG Pump, Ovali, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Building No.-D Gala No.7 Building No.-F 1 Gala No.1 to 10, Building No-F, Gala No.11,12,18 Building No-H, Gala No.1, ROYAL WAREHOUSE,Maa Padamavati Compound, Val village, Near Maa Padamavati Hotel, Val, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
C1 to C10, D1 to D4, E1 to E3, Jai jalaram Survey No.172/177,Godown A1 to A9,B1 to B11, RAMANDEEP WAREHOUSING COMPANY, Thana bhiwandi Road, Vittal & Mangalabai Compound,Opp.J.K. petrol Pump, Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Building No.P Gala No.1,2,3,4 Globe Complex, Building No.J-1 Gala no. 17 & 18 and, OMKAR LOGISTICS, Dapoda Road, Near Ruchita Hotel Opp.CNG Petrol Pump, Ovali, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Building No.A.5./2 Gala No.1.2 PRERNA COMPLEX, Building No.A.12./3 Gala No.1 to 4,Building No.A.6Gala No.11, ROYAL WAREHOUSE, Val village, Near Maa Padmavati Hotel., Val, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Kabribab Compound,Gala No.A-1,2,3,10/B-8 Motiram Compound, Gala N.1,2,4,6 Jankibai Compound & Gala No.B-1,2,5, RAMAN LOGISTICS, Purne Village Road, Opposite Preeti Petrol Pump., Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
Gala No.C-13,14,15 Prithval Complex, Gala No.2 Shamibal Compound, RAMAN LOGISTICS, Purne Village Road, Opposite Preeti Petrol Pump., Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302
18 and 20,Oswal Compound., Gala No.4 & 5,Survey No.144/4,Survey No.145,Gala No.5 to 13,, SHREE SWAMI SAMARTH LOGISTICS & WAREHOUSE, Purne Village Road, Near Blue Dart Courier, Purna, Bhiwandi, Thane, Maharashtra, 421302

Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC

HSN 29241900
HSN 29173940
HSN 29321100
HSN 29103000
HSN 29159030
SACS 00440406
SACS 00440225

Associated GST numbers

No associated GST numbers were found for LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD


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LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD is legally registered in the name of LOK CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED and involved in Service Provision, Office / Sale Office, Recipient of Goods or Services, Wholesale Business, Warehouse / Depot type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD issued under the GST system in India is 27AAACL4936H1ZG which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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GSTIN status of LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD 27AAACL4936H1ZG is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD legal entity type is Private Limited Company.

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The registered address of LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD is 4th Floor, 741, Solitaire Corporate Park, Ghatkopar Link Road, Chakala,Andheri-East, Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400093.

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The principal place of business is 4th Floor, 741, Solitaire Corporate Park, Ghatkopar Link Road, Chakala,Andheri-East, Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, 400093.

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Under the GST Act 2017, LOK CHEMICALS PVT LTD a Private Limited Company is officially registered with GST on 01 Jul 2017.

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