GST details of Karishma Enterprises 27AAAPA4555A1ZF Mumbai, Maharashtra
As of 14 December 2024
Karishma Enterprises
GSTIN status
Active (Regular)
Date Of Registration
01 July 2017
Legal Name Of Business
Karishma Agarwal
Trade Name
Karishma Enterprises
Place of Business
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Constitution Of Business
Nature Of Business
Office / Sale Office
Annual Aggregate Turnover
Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC
9021 ORTHOPAEDIC APPLIANCES, INCLUDING CRUTCHES, SURGICAL BELTS AND TRUSSES, SPLINTS AND OTHER FRACTURE APPLIANCES, ARTIFICIAL PARTS OF THE BODY, HEARING AIDS AND OTHER APPLIANCES WHICH ARE WORN OR CARRIED, OR IMPLANTED IN THE BODY, TO COMPENSATE FOR A DEFECT OR DISABILITY Industry Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical Instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments; part and accessories thereof Sub Industry Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof. |
8443 PRINTING MACHINERY USED FOR PRINTING BY MEANS OF PLATES, CYLINDERS AND OTHER PRINTING COMPONENTS OF HEADING 8442, OTHER PRINTERS, COPYING MACHINES AND FACSIMILE MACHINES, WHETHER OR NOT COMBINED, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES THEREOF Industry Machinery and Mechanical Appliances; Electrical Equipment; Parts thereof; sound Recorders and Reproducers, Television Image and Sound Recorders and reproducers, Television Image and sound Recorders and Reproducers, and Parts and Accessories of such article Sub Industry Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. |
More details
Business Owners
Karishma Agarwal
Taxpayer Type
Gross Total Income
Principle place of Business
Ground, 30, Maker Arcade, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005
Jurisdiction Center
State - CBIC
Commissionerate - MUMBAI-SOUTH
Division - DIVISION V
(Jurisdictional Office)
Jurisdiction State
State - Maharashtra
Division - FORT
Charge - KALBADEVI_708
No other place of business found for
Karishma Enterprises
Associated GST numbers
No associated GST numbers were found for Karishma Enterprises
Similar Businesses
The owner of Karishma Enterprises is Karishma Agarwal.
Karishma Enterprises is legally registered in the name of Karishma Agarwal and involved in Office / Sale Office type of business.
The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of Karishma Enterprises issued under the GST system in India is 27AAAPA4555A1ZF which can be found on the company’s invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (
Legal name is Karishma Agarwal and the Trade Name is Karishma Enterprises.
GSTIN status of Karishma Enterprises 27AAAPA4555A1ZF is Active and registration type is Regular.
Karishma Agarwal legal entity type is Proprietorship.
The registered address of Karishma Enterprises is Ground, 30, Maker Arcade, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005.
The principal place of business is Ground, 30, Maker Arcade, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400005
Under the GST Act 2017, Karishma Enterprises a Proprietorship is officially registered with GST on 01 July 2017.