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13AAOFJ6116A1ZT  |  Mokokchung
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GSTIN Details
As of 20 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business


Trade Name


GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

08 Jul 2022

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business

Limited Liability Partnership

Place of Business

Mokokchung, Nagaland

Nature Of Business

Office / Sale Office

Works Contract

GST number of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP is 13AAOFJ6116A1ZT. This business was registered under Limited Liability Partnership on 08 Jul 2022. This is GST number of Nagaland.

More Details

Business Owners

Jugal Kishore Mahanta

Panchi Mahanta

Taxpayer Type




Principal place of Business

NA, NA, Mongsenbai ward, Near Assam Rifle Playground, Mokokchung town, Mokokchung, Mokokchung, Nagaland, 798601

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - GUWAHATI Commissionerate - DIMAPUR Division - DIMAPUR DIVISION Range - MOKOKCHUNG RANGE (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

State - Nagaland Zone - Mokokchung Ward - Mokokchung Ward A (Jurisdictional Office)

NA, NA, NA, Opp. Mongoya Prayers Garden, Mingkong area, Chuchuyimpang village, Mokokchung, Mokokchung, Nagaland, 798601

Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC

SACS 996742
Operation services of National Highways, State Highways, Expressways, Roads & streets; bridges and tunnel operation services.
SACS 995421
General construction services of highways, streets, roads, railways and airfield runways, bridges and tunnels
SACS 995415
Construction services of other non-residential buildings such as educational institutions, hospitals, clinics including vertinary clinics, religious establishments, courts, prisons, museums and other similar buildings
SACS 995428
General construction services of other civil engineering works n.e.c.
SACS 995414
Construction services of commercial buildings such as office buildings, exhibition & marriage halls, malls, hotels, restaurants, airports, rail or road terminals, parking garages, petrol and service stations, theatres and other similar buildings.

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The owner of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP is Jugal Kishore Mahanta, Panchi Mahanta.

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JKM INFRA WORKS LLP is legally registered in the name of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP and involved in Office / Sale Office, Works Contract type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP issued under the GST system in India is 13AAOFJ6116A1ZT which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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Legal name is JKM INFRA WORKS LLP and the Trade Name is JKM INFRA WORKS LLP.

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GSTIN status of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP 13AAOFJ6116A1ZT is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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JKM INFRA WORKS LLP legal entity type is Limited Liability Partnership.

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The registered address of JKM INFRA WORKS LLP is NA, NA, Mongsenbai ward, Near Assam Rifle Playground, Mokokchung town, Mokokchung, Mokokchung, Nagaland, 798601.

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The principal place of business is NA, NA, Mongsenbai ward, Near Assam Rifle Playground, Mokokchung town, Mokokchung, Mokokchung, Nagaland, 798601.

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Under the GST Act 2017, JKM INFRA WORKS LLP a Limited Liability Partnership is officially registered with GST on 08 Jul 2022.

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