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GST details ofHannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal
06AAAAH2228J1ZY  |  Bhiwani
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GSTIN Details
As of 04 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business

Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal

Trade Name

Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal

GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

10 Oct 2019

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business

Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP

Place of Business

Bhiwani, Haryana

Nature Of Business

Factory / Manufacturing

Wholesale Business

GST number of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal is 06AAAAH2228J1ZY. This business was registered under Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP on 10 Oct 2019. This is GST number of Haryana.

GST Returns


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Business Owners

Ashok Bansal

Amit Kumar Goyal

Naman Jain

Anu Rani

Kavita Goyal

Santosh Kumari

Pooja Jain

Taxpayer Type




Principal place of Business

Pinjokhra Zone, VPO Khanak, VPO Khanak, Bhiwani, Haryana, 127040

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - PANCHKULA Commissionerate - ROHTAK Division - BHIWANI Range - RANGE-7 BHIWANI (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

State - Haryana Range - Hisar District - Bhiwani Ward - Bhiwani Ward 4 (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

1st Floor, 635, Phase-III, Phase-III, New Auto Market, Hisar, Hisar, Haryana, 125001

Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC

HSN 2517

Associated GST numbers

No associated GST numbers were found for Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal


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The owner of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal is Ashok Bansal, Amit Kumar Goyal, Naman Jain, Anu Rani, Kavita Goyal, Santosh Kumari, Pooja Jain.

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Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal is legally registered in the name of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal and involved in Factory / Manufacturing, Wholesale Business type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal issued under the GST system in India is 06AAAAH2228J1ZY which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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Legal name is Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal and the Trade Name is Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal.

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GSTIN status of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal 06AAAAH2228J1ZY is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal legal entity type is Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP.

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The registered address of Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal is Pinjokhra Zone, VPO Khanak, VPO Khanak, Bhiwani, Haryana, 127040.

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The principal place of business is Pinjokhra Zone, VPO Khanak, VPO Khanak, Bhiwani, Haryana, 127040.

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Under the GST Act 2017, Hannu Stone Crusher Gram Udyog Mandal a Society/ Club/ Trust/ AOP is officially registered with GST on 10 Oct 2019.

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