GST details of Gifts N Cakes Store 19CSQPD6533F1ZI North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal
As of 19 December 2024
Gifts N Cakes Store
GSTIN status
Active (Regular)
Date Of Registration
20 July 2023
Legal Name Of Business
Akanksha Dubey
Trade Name
Gifts N Cakes Store
Place of Business
North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal
Constitution Of Business
Nature Of Business
Retail Business
Annual Aggregate Turnover
Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC
94049099 MATTRESS SUPPORTS; ARTICLES OF BEDDING AND SIMILAR FURNISHING (FOR EXAMPLE, MATTRESSES, QUILTS, EIDERDOWNS, CUSHIONS, POUFFES AND PILLOWS) FITTED WITH SPRINGS OR STUFFED OR INTERNALLY FITTED WITH ANY MATERIAL OR OF CELLULAR RUBBER OR PLASTICS, WHETHER OR NOT COVERED - Other : - Other : Other Industry Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles Sub Industry Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated buildings. |
49111010 POSTERS, PRINTED Industry Pulp of wood or of other Fibrous Cellulosic Material; Recovered (Waste and Scrap) Paper or Paperboard; Paper And Paperboard and articles thereof Sub Industry Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans. |
69141000 OF PORCELAIN OR CHINA Industry Articles of Stone, Plaster, Cement, Asbestos, Mica or similar Materials; Ceramic Products; Glass and Glassware Sub Industry Ceramic products. |
19059010 PASTRIES AND CAKES Industry Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar; Tobacco and Manufactured Tabacco substitutes Sub Industry Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastry cooks’ products. |
95039010 OTHER TOYS; REDUCED-SIZE (*SCALE*) MODELS AND SIMILAR RECREATIONAL MODELS, WORKING OR NOT; PUZZLES OF ALL KINDS - OTHER: TOY WEAPONS Industry Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles Sub Industry Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories thereof. |
More details
Business Owners
Akanksha Dubey
Taxpayer Type
Gross Total Income
Principle place of Business
1, Nanna, Nannaeast, Jetia, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 743135
Jurisdiction Center
State - CBIC
Commissionerate - KOLKATA-NORTH
Range - RANGE-I
Jurisdiction State
Commissionerate - West Bengal
Circle - 24 PARGANAS
(Jurisdictional Office)
No other place of business found for
Gifts N Cakes Store
Associated GST numbers
No associated GST numbers were found for Gifts N Cakes Store
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The owner of Gifts N Cakes Store is Akanksha Dubey.
Gifts N Cakes Store is legally registered in the name of Akanksha Dubey and involved in Retail Business type of business.
The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of Gifts N Cakes Store issued under the GST system in India is 19CSQPD6533F1ZI which can be found on the company’s invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (
Legal name is Akanksha Dubey and the Trade Name is Gifts N Cakes Store.
GSTIN status of Gifts N Cakes Store 19CSQPD6533F1ZI is Active and registration type is Regular.
Akanksha Dubey legal entity type is Proprietorship.
The registered address of Gifts N Cakes Store is 1, Nanna, Nannaeast, Jetia, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 743135.
The principal place of business is 1, Nanna, Nannaeast, Jetia, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 743135
Under the GST Act 2017, Gifts N Cakes Store a Proprietorship is officially registered with GST on 20 July 2023.