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GST details ofFlipkart India Private Limited
19AABCF8078M1ZY  |  Howrah
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GSTIN Details
As of 18 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business


Trade Name

Flipkart India Private Limited

GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

01 Jul 2017

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business

Private Limited Company

Place of Business

Howrah, West Bengal

Nature Of Business

Wholesale Business

Recipient of Goods or Services

Warehouse / Depot

Bonded Warehouse

Retail Business

Supplier of Services

Leasing Business

GST number of Flipkart India Private Limited is 19AABCF8078M1ZY. This business was registered under Private Limited Company on 01 Jul 2017. This is GST number of West Bengal.

More Details

Business Owners


Prabhu Balasrinivasan

Rohit Musaddi

Taxpayer Type




Principal place of Business

ESR Warehousing and Logistic Park,B.No.3 & B.No.4, Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia, in J.L. No 9, 55 and 8 , PS Uluberia, Uttar Pirpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - KOLKATA Commissionerate - HOWRAH Division - RISHRA DIVISION Range - RANGE-III (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

Commissionerate - West Bengal Circle - CORPORATE DIVISION Charge - LARGE TAXPAYER UNIT (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

C/o Raj Containers, Maheshtala, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700141
Vill. - Itlaporapara, P.O. - Kalirhut, P.S. - Kotwali, Dist. - Nadia, Krishnanagar, Nadia, West Bengal, 741102
RS 92, 94, 95 and 100, Mouza Belumilki JL No-11, PO- Belumilki, PS- Serampore, Dist-Hooghly, Belumilki, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
R S no.217, Touzi no.1249 comprising in C.S Khatian no.1, S cottahs 4 chitaks lying and situated at Mouza- Karimpore, J.L no.2 Pargana Kalikata,, R.S Khatian no.44,45&46 and new Khand Khatian no.14,appertaining to RS Dag no.4,L R Dag no.65,Khatian No,291,P.S Narendr, ground floor of the building constructed on a piece and parcel of land measuring, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700150
situated under Dag Nos.211,532&264,Khatian Nos.52&364 at, Premises no. 430, Pasupati Bhattacharjee Road Pritam Villa, Mouza: Siriti, Ward No. 121, Borough No. XIV,Municipal Corp, Police Station Behala, Post Office Paschim Putiary,South 24 Parganas, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700040
230,231,234,235,236,247,248 JL No 18,, Mouza Simla,, Old Delhi Road P S Serampore ,, HOOGLY, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712249
Mouza,, Delhi Road,WB- Bamunari District,, Hoogly Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712205
375-379,386,388,390-399,561,563-567,567/554,568,570-574,, Mouza Danapatipur, JL No 82,RS Dag No 366, 368-370, L.R.Khaithan No.449/1,433/2,452/2,453/1,925,596,70,432,386,, 192,706,722,727,764,795,832 and 833,, P.S.Chaditala, Juristicon of Naity Grama Panchayath, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
Sankrail Industrial Park, Dhulagori, Bhagabatipur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Dag no 470,471,472,474,477,478 and 480, R.S and L.R, NH-2 Old delhi Road,, Rishra Gram panchayat,Dankuni P.O. Mollaber,Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
LR Khatain no.2165, LR.Plot 990,995-997,1004,1006,1007,1013, Mouza-Raghudevpur,J.L.No99,Police station-Uluberia, Uluberia-II, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
Amta Industrail Park, R.s Dag no 1018,1021-1024,1027, Mouja Majukshetra,J.L.no, 77,additonal Dist sub-regisrty off, Bargachia, P.S Jagatballavpur, Under Islampur panchayat, Howrah, West Bengal, 711401
Plot Nos 3, 43, 47, Maa Ambe Warehousing Private limited, Bhadua P.O, Mollaber P S. Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
670,630/2352,630/2354,641/1071,642/1072,652/2361,652/2363,, R.S and L.R. Dag No 627,652,655,656,660,661,663,664,665,666,, 670/2364,670/2366,670/2367,670/2369, NH-2,Old Delhi road,Rishra Gram panchayat,, Police station Dankuni, P.O. Mollaber,ADSR-Janai,, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
Bagnan NH-6, Kolkata, West Bengal Mouza, Hijlok P O, Tenpur Nabasan, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
Building No.3, Mouza Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia in J.L No.9, 55 and 8 Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Bhilding No.4, Mouza Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia in J.L No.9, 55 and 8 Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Ghoramore, Sahudangi Near Darpan Publications, Siliguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 735135
RS Dag 4164 LR DAG 3607, Proconnect Supply chain solutions Ltd,C/O PJR Pratham Logist, Purano Chowrasta Near KALI Mandir Mouza,, Dhulagori JI No. 1, P.S Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Pariwar Industrial Com, Inside Star Battery Complex, Chankundi, Dankuni SERAMPORE, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Somany Home Innovation Limited, NH- 6, Pakuria More, Tentulkuli, Salap, P.S- Domjur, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711409
C/O. Rose island engineering works, Mouza- Baniara, Jangalpur, Jalan Complex, Gate No. 3, Near National Plastic, P.O Begri, P.S Domjur, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
Ground Floor, SUROJ COMPLEX, Chakundi, Dankuni, Hooghly, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Mouza sherpur, J L No. 144 Old no. 216, Pargana - Balia, Block Amta -1, Police Station- Amta, District- Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711401
Gati-Kintesu Express Private Limited ,Ground Floor, Mauza Argori and Mohiary, Ankurhati Near saraswati Bridge, Dhulagarah,Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
. Durgapur Expressway,, Manas Flour Mills Ltd, P.S Dankuni, P.O., Dankuni CoalComplex, Dist. Hooghly City, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
J.L. 12, Mouza, NH-6, Srirampur, Kulgachia, PO-mahisrekha, PS-RAJAPUR, Uluberia, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
C/o Delhivery Pvt Ltd. Manas Flour Mills Ltd, Durgapur Expressway, P.S. Dankuni, P.O. Dankuni CoalComplex, Dist.Hooghly City, Kolkata, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Somany Home Innovation Limited, NH-6, Pakuria More, Tentulkuli, Salap, P.S- Domjur, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711409
Plot No. A-2, Rishi Bankim Industrial Park, P.S. Bizpur., Naihati, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, West Bengal, 743135
Mouza- ISMALPUR, J.L No.76 L.R. Dag No s 3404, 3405, 3406, L.R. Kh No. 3756, P.S.- J.B. Pur, Dist.- Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711401
B.D Casting Delhi Road, near Anil Weigh Bridge, Par Dankuni, Dankuni, Hooghly, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Kerry Indev Logistics Private Limited,, c/o triangle marketing pvt ltd, R.S. DAG No. 971, 972, 973, 974, 1013, J.L. No. 4, Mouza-Sandhipur, P.S.Sakrail, Dulagarh, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Shanker Logistics Pvt Ltd c/o Vikas Logistic and Warehousing, Panasonic India Pvt Ltd., Dag No., Sankrail Industrial Park, Bhagabatipur, Khatian No. 2840 , JL No. 7, Howrah, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
J.L. 12, Mouza, NH-6, Srirampur, Kulgachia, PO-mahisrekha, PS-RAJAPUR, Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
Plot No 46, Aarjav Ind and Warehouse Park, Dankuni, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 712311
The Himalaya Drug Company Reg off 10, D1 Ho-Chi Minh saram, Kol -71 East Wing, EW 17 ,Dhulagarh Truck Terminal Mouza, Jalaghulagon ,P.S Sankrail Howarh, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
J.L No. 7, Mouza Bhagawatipur sankrail Industrial Park, NH 6 P.S- Sankrail District Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Maa Ambe Warehousing NH2, old Delhi Road, Mirpur Dankuni P.O- Mollaber,P.S- Dankuni ,Hoogly, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
Building no 5,Mouza Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia in JLno. 9,55 and 8, uluberia District Howrah,West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 704, 705, 666, 667, 668,, Dag No. 910, 911, 912, 901, 902, 900, 671part, 899, 670,, 669, 664, 665, 707, 706, 708, 711, 658, 659, 663, 662, 661,, situated at Mauza Kapasaria and Jayakrishnapur,PO Chanditala, P.S. Chanditala Block- Chanditala II, Chinsurah,Hooghly Dist, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
L.R Dag No- 174,175,176,177,178,179,180,181,182, 185,186,187,2502,1503,2504,L.R Khatian no. 5820,J.L No.11, Situated at mouza- Belumilki,P.S. Serampore, under, Jurisdiction of Pearapur Gram Panchayat,District-Hooghly, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
Pargana Anowarpur, Under L.R khatian No. 9927/4, Mouza-Udayrajpur, JL No.43,Re Sa No.6, Touzi -146,, R.S khatian nos. 896 and 1441, Old L.R khatian Nos. 6065 and, Jessore Road, North Basunagar,Gate No-5,Madhyamgram, Ward 11, Police station,barasat,kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700129
D/193, Trenching Ground Road, PS Rabindranagar, PO Garden Reach , Kolkatta, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700024
R.S. Dag No 684/999 and 668 Khatiyan No 436 and 213, 19 A Jawahar Lal Nehru Road 1 st Floor Mouza Joka, Diamond Harbour Road,Haridevpur,P O Joka , South 24 Parganas, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700104
TTK Prestige Kolkata, J.L. No.99, Ground Floor, Ganesh CH Complex, Panchla,, Raghudevpur Gram Panchayat, Howrah, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
Plot Number 139/21, Pariwahan NagarNear Webel IT Park, Matigara,Siliguri,Dist Darjeeling,West Bengal, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 734010
J.L. No.99, Ground Floor,, Ganesh CH Complex, Panchla,, Raghudevpur Gram Panchayat, Howrah, West Bengal,, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
J.L. No. 187, Touzi No. 1934 Old and 9 New, R.S. No. 6937, L.R. Khatian Nos. 911/2 and 911/3, R.S. Dag No. 635, L.R. Dag No. 1542, Mouza Kamrarah, Ward No. 08, PS Kotwali,PO Medinipur, Dist.Paschim Midnapore West bengal, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, 721101
Plot No S -A-1 Haringhata Industrial Park, Mouza Panchpota, Balindi, Ayeshpur, Murgacha, Nadia District, Haringhata West Bengal, Nadia, West Bengal, 741249
and Subregistry office Burdwan Sadar,Comprised in J.L No 32, Mouza- Bangpur, Mahalla Raghunathpur Thana, L.R Khatian No. 2215 and 2216, L.R Plot No. 222/1217, ward No. 17 of the Burdwan Municipality, P.O Sripally, P.SBurdwan office district registar/Sub Registrar Burdwan, Birbhum, West Bengal, 713101
Birshibpur, Mouza Maheshpur, Police Staion, Ulberia, DIstrict Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Plot No.10, comprised in Mouza Joka,J.L No. 21,Pargana balia, Khatian no.436, Dag No. 684 and 684/999, within the limits of kolkata Municipal corporation, being premises no.43/2, Diamond harbour road, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700104
Under L.R Khatian no.63, within the Jurisdication, Mouza Malipanchgahra J.L 17, Lr. Dag No. 562,, of ward no. 62 of the Howrah Municipal Corporation, being holding no.4 Ahmed mamooji street, assessment no. 200021114546, Alipore, Police station Bally, Howrah, West Bengal, 711204
under L.R Khatian No. 39 Previously R.S Khatian No.67, Mouza- Agarpara, J.L No.11, Block- Barrackpore-II,, Comprised in R.S and L.R Plot No./dag Nos. 1546 and 1547,, premises no.149, B.T road, Kamarhati,A.D.S.R Sodepur, panihati Munipality,Ward No.09,holding no.104F,Nilganji Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700058
C.S Plot No. 219 P, Khata Nos. 147,151 and 163, J.L No. 85 at Imam Kalyan Sarani, Mouza Gopinathpur, Bidhan Nagar, Dist. Burdwan West Bengal, Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713212
R.S plot No.101 within the Jurisdiction of ward no.12, Mouza- Dewanmaro No. I, J.L No. 88, Under Khatian no. 4, Holding no. 86/2,, Dewanmaro Kharagpur Municipality, Police Station - Kharagpur, A.D.S.R Office - kharagpur, District - Paschim Medinipur, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, 721304
Touzi No. 182, Re. Sa. no.15, Block Barrackpore II,, Basundhara Apartment, block - A,Mouza- Chandanpukur,J.L no-2, Under R.S. Khatian Nos.1412 and 1413,R.S Dag Nos.1195, 1197, GhoshPararoad,Post office Barrackpore,Police stationTitagarh, Kolkata, Ward no.24, District - North 24 Parganas,, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700120
Mouza- binnaguri,J.L no.3, sheet no 13, L.R Plot nos 956,957,958,959 and 936, P.S bhaktinagarr,dist. Jalpaiguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 734007
Dag No. 363, Khatian no. 1611, Muoza bhagabatipur, Snakrail Industrial Park, Dhulagarh,Howrah West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
28 BT Road, Cossipore, Kolkata ,West Bengal, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700002
VIP Industries LTD, C/O PLK Properties Ltd, l Sankrail Industrial Park, P.S Sankrail, P.O Kendua, Dhulagarh, Howrah West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
C/o M/s insilco projects pvt.Ltd., Ground Floor on 99, satak land bhagabatipur and kandua,vill and PO- bhagabaipur, and kandua, p.s Sankrail ,dist- howrah,kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
ESSENTIAL LOGISTICS PVT LTD. Dag No 363, Khatian No - 1611, Mouza,Bhagabatipur, Sankrail Industrial Park Dhulagarh, Howrah,, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Jalan Industrial Complex, Gate No 3, Mouza- Agori, Near Sidhi Vinayak Kata, Sakhaiel, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Plot No RS 1852,1853,1857, 1858,1864 LR 1767, 1768, 1772, 1773,1779 Mouza Jaladhulagori,, P.S.Sankrail, District Howrah- West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
JL-No 2,RS 1852,1853,1857,1858,1864 LR 1767,1768,1772,1773, 1779, C/O- Shubham Flora Sales Private Ltd,, Jaladhulagori, P.S.- Sankrail , Howrah , West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
20, Coal Barth Road,, Near Shivam Kanta, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700088
Sankrail Industrial Park, Mouza-Bhagbatipur, NH-6, Sankrail, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
J.L NO.O7, PS SANKRAIL, DAG No L.R 534/536/537/538, Sankrail Industrial Park, BHAGABATIPUR,, PO CHITURBHUJKATI, HOWRAH,West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
The building situated at under L.R Khaitan No. 2804, R.S and L.R Dag No. 306, Mouza, Bhagatipur, J.L No. 07, P.S Sankrail, District Howrah, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
Old Delhi Road, Near Dunkuni Super Service Station,, Manoharpur,Dunkuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712311
Lifelong Online Retail Pvt. Ltd. Dag no 363,, Khatian no 1611, Mouza- Bhagabatipur, Sankrail Industrial Park, Dhulagarh, Howrah, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
comprised of R.S and L.R Plot no 224, holding no. 3820, Mouza - Bongpur,J.L No 32,Under L.R Khatian no.2387 and 2388, within the Jurisdiction of Belkash Gram Panchayat, Barddhaman - I Block, Police station and, Sub Registration office Barddhaman,District Purba Barddhaman, Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713103
Dag No. 3144/5687, J.L no. 77 at Mouza Janaphul, Instakart Services Private limited, Khatian No. 715 and 3501, GramPanchayat Bergoom No2,Addl Dist SubRegistry office Habra, P.S Habra P.O Gandipayan, Dist North 24 Parganas, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 743263
Instakart Services Private Limited, Mouza Baruipur,, Vill Palpara,GramPanchayat Madarat,Block Baruipur,Addl Dist, SubRegistryoffice Baruipur,PO Baruipur,Dist South24 Parganas, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700144
Holding No AS/58/08 and AS/59/08, Fultala Atghara Road No 09, Mouza Atghara Black I Kolkata West Bengal, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700136
Safari Industries India LTD C/O Pragati Vinimay PVT LTD, Sankrail Industrial Park,Dag No.-961/962,khatian No 3687, Mouza- Jaladhulagori P.S Sankrail,Dhulagarh,Howrah,, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
431/1241, 431/1242, 432, 433, 434, 465, 468, 469, 470, 471, Dag no. 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 423, 424, 429, 430, 431, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 486, 506, 507, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 514, 515, LR Khatain no 2104,J.L No 83,Mouza Dankuni bill,PS Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Delhivery Pvt Ltd, Maa Ambe Warehouse,Nh-2,Delhi Road, Bhadua, Serampur f.s.Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
Plot no.5 and 6,, Arrjavv Industrial Park, Durgapur Expressway, Near Coal India ltd, Dankunibil, West Bengal, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
No.04-315 in street no,315, Plot no. DH-6/38,NewTown, Action Area- 1D, Police Station Rajarhat,, within the limits of NKDA, District - North 24 Parganas, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700156
Shyam Industrial Park, Islampur, Amta, Howarh, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
No 293,Gouri Nathshastri Sarani,within the Municipal limites, of the south Dum Dum Municipality, P.S DumDum,, Post Office DumDum, Ward No. 27, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700055
Vill Abhirampur, P.O Sumda,, P S Rajapur Dis Howarah , West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
PLOT NO 58, 2ND FLOOR Mollaber village, dankuni coal complex PARIBAR INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX DANKUNI, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
1, Satya Doctor Road, PS - Watganje, Khidderpure, near Babu Bazaar Bharat Petrol Pump, Kolkata, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700023
DTDC Express Limited Kolkata, Jalan complex, Post and village - Bipprannapara, Dakshin Jhapardaha, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
VAGH TRADER PVT LTD Kolkata,30 B.T. Road, Uday villa, Near.CESC office Kamarhati Ahdara, West Bengal, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700058
Plot No RS,1852,1853,1857,1858,1864LR,1767,1768,1772,1773, 1779, Mouza Jaladhulagori, P.S. Sankrail, District Howrah, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
VIP industries LTS, Plot no -2504, 2505 , 2515, 2517, Mouza velumilki , sreerampur, Kolkata, Belumilki, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
Everbright Warehouse -,6 National Highway, CHAMRAIL, KONA, HOWRAH, Chamrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711114
PlotNo RS 576 P JL No96,Arihant Warehousing C/O Jain Parking, Opposite Sona Biscuit Factory Delhi Road Vil-Kharial,Dankuni, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Ncubate India Services Private Limited, Dag No 2204, Sankrail Industrial Park, Kendua, P.S. Sankrail, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Lifelong Online Retail Pvt Ltd, Dag No 363,Khatian no 1611, Mouza -Bhagabatipur,Sankrail Industrial Park, Dhulagarh, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
F-190 Shalpata Bagan, Agarpara,Kolkata, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700109
DAG No-4853,4862,4864,4865,4875 to 4878,4881 to 4884kahitan, no 7164, Mouza and P.O Kolorah, Jalan Industrial Complex, Dakshin Jhapardaha, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
JL No 24, Plot Nos 47,55,115, NH-2, Old Delhi Road,Dankuni, Hooghly, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
JL 22, MOLLABER, JANAI DANKUNI, Hooghly, West Bengal, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
IP Integrated Services Pvt Ltd Bamanmura, Taki Road, Barasat, Opp Jaiswal Compound, Kolkatta, Barasat, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700128
Dag No. 1870 & 1871 Under Khatian Number 283 and 386, Mouza Chikrand P.S. Chanditala, District Hooghly, Baksa, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712304
W/H Number 1, Express Industrial Complex, NH-6, New Kolorah, Alampur, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Fatehpuria Hygiene Private Limited, Plot No 1046-1048, Amta Industrial Park, Amta Ranihati Road,Majukshetra Village, Islampur, JagatBallavpur, Howrah, Jagatballavpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711408
Khatian No.1850, Dag No. 555/556/557, Mouza Samanti, Village - Samanti, Dist. Howrah, Panchla, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
Mouza Binnagiri JL No 3 Sheet Number 13, LR Plot No 931,934, 936,955 to 962 965 ,966 ,1146 P.S Bhaktinagar Dist Jalpaigur, JALPAIGURI MUNICIPALITY, Jalpaiguri , West Bengal, Siliguri, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 734007
Pratishtha Polypack PvtLtd JL NO 1301/1302 Khation 1052/2750, 23 North Logistics Solutions Pvt Ltd C/o, Sankrail Industrial Park Jaladhulagori, P.O Dhulagori, P. S Sankrail , Howrah, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Plot No. 1059, Khatiyan No 2175,395 Sankrail Industrial Park, Mouza Jaladhulagori, PO Dhulagori, PS Sankrail, Howrah, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Instakart Services Pvt. Ltd. Rajbandh, NH-2, Busstop, Near gouridevi Hospital, Durgapur, Amlajora, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713212
Sree Lakshmi engineering works NH2, Delhi road, Chakundi, Dankuni, Hooghly, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
IRC Limited, Raghudevpur, P S- Uluberia, Rajapur, Panchla, Howrah, West Bengal, Panchla, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
Ward No. 31, Holding No. D2-155/52, B. B. T. Road, Schenker India Pvt. Ltd C/o G D Reality Pvt. Ltd, Right side toward Kolkata ,Putkhali Nagri, P.S. Maheshtala, Kolkata, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700141
47th, Hyd Road, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700088
Sankrail Industrial Park, Plot No 10,12,13,14, 127, Khatian No 3288, Mouza- Bhagabatipur, PS Sankrail, Howrah, Jhorhat, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
D3-49/1/ New Shibtala Road Lane-1 Budge Budge, Maheshtala - Kolkata West Bengal, Kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, 700141
Plot/Dag no 658 Paribhar Industrial Complex, Mollaber Village Dhankuni Mollaber Village Dhankuni Kolkata, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
ASHIRVAD COMPLEX, NH-6, Mouza Ankurhati, Mahiyari-II Gram Panchayat, Post Office Salap, P.S.Domjur, Ankurhati, Howrah, West Bengal, 711409
Fourth Floor, D3-49/4/New Shibtala Road Bye Lane-1, Budge Budge trunk road, Maheshtala Kolkata, Kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, 700141
Sankrail Industrial park, dhulagarh,NH-6,Mauza Bhagtipur, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
670, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 704, 705, 666, 667, Box 2, Dag No. 910, 911, 912, 901, 902, 900, 671 part, 899, Mauza Kapasaria and Jayakrishnapur, P.S. Chanditala, Block- Chanditala II, Chinsurah,Hooghly, Borai, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
LUX INDUSTRIES LIMITED ECOM DIVISION, 28/1 GF, BT Road, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700002
Mouza Lalganj,J.L. No.30,Block Baraboni,L.R.Khatian No.1022, L.R. Plot No.Dag No.948, Lalganj Baraboni, A.D.S.R. Asansol, Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713359
J.L. No. 142, Block Balurghat,L.R. Khatian No. 526, L.R. Plot No./Dag No. 525, Beltalapark, Balurghat, A.D.S.R, Mouza Paschim Rainagar, Balurghat, Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal, 733103
Mouza Amuya J.L. No 12 Block Sainthia, L.R Khatian No.1029, L.R. Plot No./Dag No. 1485/1775, Sainthia, A.D.S.R. Suri, Sainthia, Birbhum, West Bengal, 731234
L.R Dag no. 3676, 3677, 3678, 3682, Jaladhulagori, P.S.Sankrail , P.O. Dhulagori, Dist Howrah, Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Mouza Nabanda, J.L No. 273, Police Station Bankura, The Vill. Makurgram, P.O.- Narrah,West Bengal, Bankura, Bankura, West Bengal, 722155
FASTag Centre, 1301/1302, Prathistha Commercial Pvt Ltd, Jaladhulagori Dhulagarh Toll Plaza, Kalara, Howrah, Nasher Miles Pvt Ltd C/O ARAMEX India P. Ltd, Kalara, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Sankrail Industrial Park, Plot No. 10, 12, 13, 14, 127, Khatian No. 3288 , Mouza Bhagabatipur, PS Sankrail, Howrah, Haier Appliances India Pvt. Ltd, Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Mouza- JalaDhulagori,L.R.Dag No.264,Khatian No.657, J.L. No. 21, P.O. Korla P.S. Domjur, howrah,Plant - MEKO, MIRC Electronics Ltd - ONIDA Kumar Complex, Dakshin Jhapardaha, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
Khatian No. 5676, LR Plot No. 2433, Chakundi, Dankuni, Hooghly, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Sankrail Industrial park, Mauza Bhagabatipur PO Sankarail, Jaladulagori J.L No 2 Touzi no.828, LR Dag No. 1137 , 1138, within the limit of Dhulagori Gram panchayat, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Dags No182P,183P,184,185P,375P,374P,376P,190, KHATIN NOS-5014.5015.5016.5017.5018.5019.5020.5021.5022.5023, JL NO-83,POLICE STATION, MOUZA DANKUNI BILL, Dankuni,Hooghly, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Mouza Nowapara JL No. 29 L.R. Khatian No. 29/1, Plot No. 669, P.O. - Nowapara, Dist. - Hooghly, Chandannagar, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712138
Mouza Badhia,J.L.No.269,Block Contai - I, Plot No./Dag No.22, Post Office - Namal, Police Station - Kathi,Purba Medinipur, Contai, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, 721401
Mouza Nageshwarpur, J.L No. 109, Police Station Malda, The Vill. Mangalbari, Ghoshpara, Block - Old Maldah, Malda, Malda, West Bengal, 732142
Mouza - Bongabari, J.L. No. 65, Block Purulia - II, Vivekananda Nagar,Bongabari, Near Polytechnic College Gate, Purulia, Purulia, West Bengal, 723147
Vill. Kantaboni, Ward No. - 8, P.O. - Chandur, P.S. - Arambagh, Dist - Hooghly, Arambag, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712602
Vill. - Kalibari, Beside Motor Kalimandir, P.O. - Karnojora, P.S.- Raiganj, Dist.- North Dinajpur, Raiganj, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, 733130
Basudebpur, P.O. - Chachanda, P.S. - Samserganj, Dist. - Murshidabad, West Bengal, Uttar Mahammadpur, Murshidabad, West Bengal, 742224
Chowrangee, Beside PNB Bank, P.O. -Markatpur, P.S. Kharagpur, Dist.- Paschim Mednapur, Medinipur, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, 721305
Pro-Space, RS/LR DAG NOS-2505,2506,2515,2516, MOUZA, BELUMIKI JL NO 11 POST,BELUMIKI,P.SSERAMPORE MILKI BADAMTOLA, Belumilki, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
Dag No.491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496 and 497,J.L. No. 25, NH-2 Delhi Road, Khatian No.1999,P.S. Dankuni, Mollaber P.O. Bamunari,Hooghly, Mollarber, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
Building No 3,Harinarayanchak and Amraberia J.L. No9,55,8, Mouzas Chandipur, PS Uluberia, Uttar Pirpur, Howrah,ULUBERIA, ESR Warehousing and amp Logistic Park, Uluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Warehouse no 1 of LR Dag no - 679 to 687, 692, 695 to 714, 729 to 728, 877 to 884, 886 Manas Flour Mills,Dankunibil, Durgapur Expressway, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Mouza - Chakdipa, J.L. No. under L.R. Khatian no. 4908, Haldia Municipality, Bhowanipore, Sutahata, R.S. and L.R. Dag no. 2574, Holding no. N-605/459, Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, 721645
Plot No./Dag Nos. 1355, 1525, 1527 and 1529, Post Office Lakshmanpur Police Station Domjur,A.D.S.R.Domjur, within the ambit of Salap I Gram Panchayat, Lakshmanpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711114
Plot No./Dag Nos. 493 and 494, Post Office-Hatinagar, Police Station-Berhampore Town, A.D.S.R. Berhampore, within the ambit of Hatinagar Gram Panchayat, Hati Nagar, Murshidabad, West Bengal, 742102
R.SDag No. -1095,96,97, L.R Dag No. 1006,07,08, Sankridaha, Jalan No.-22, Howarh,Dakhin Jharpada,Howrah, FRANKE FABER INDIA PVT. LTD.C/oShaw Pritam Logistics Pvt Ltd, Dakshin Jhapardaha, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
shriram Industries Complex, 43/1, Garden Reach Road, Kolkata, Kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, 700044
Plot No. LR- 1098, 1109, 1110,1111, 1165,1166. K. No- 2185, 4404, 4410, 4453, 5071, 5072, J .L. No- 101, Mouza Jhanjra, Malda, Malda, West Bengal, 732142
R.S Dag No. 436, 437, 438, 439, 441, 443, 454 and 456, NH-6 Mouza Bhagbatipur, J.L. No.-7, P.S. Sankrail,Howrah, Sankrail Industrial Park, Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Jalan Industrial Complex, Gate No - 3, Post Office Argori, Police Station Howrah, West Bengal, Dakshin Jhapardaha, Howrah, West Bengal, 711405
Aarjav Industrial and Logistics Park, Plot No. 47, Aarjav Ind and amp warehouse Park, Dankuni, Kolkata, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
21/5 Old Nimta Road, Belgharia, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700056
RS Concast Limited, Dag no 474, JL 25, Khatian 1999, Gram Bamunari,Bamunari,Thana Dankuni,Holding no 67,Kolkata, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
518, 519 and 521, Sankrail Industrial Parki, Khata No 2703 in Mouza Bhagabatipur, Ramchandrapur, Howrah, Nasher Miles Pvt Ltd, C/O Aramex India Pvt Ltd, Ramchandrapur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
Mouza - Dankuni Bill,LR Khatian - 1457, RS and, LR Daag - 1000/1232,Paribar Industrial Complex, Chakundi, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Survey Dag No. 81 and 82, Mouza-27, Jalan Complex, Gate No.3, Jungalpur, NH-6, Argori, Sankrail, Howrah, Sankrail, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Godamwale Logistics at Mouza Satghoria, J.L. No. 27, Beldubi Gram Panchyat Panchla, A.D.S.R.O, West-Bengal, Distt. Howrah, Beldubi, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322
Jl.No-7 Vide Dag No.503,512,513,514,L.R.Khaitan N0.2625,2723, sankrail IndustrialPark,Bhagbatipur panchayat kandua, po chaturbhujkati, Ramchandrapur, Howrah, Ncubate India Services Private Limited, Ramchandrapur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
Mouza - Machkhanda, J.L. No. 03, Block No. No. 1495, Post Office-Machkhanda, Shyamsundar, Police Station - Raina, A.D.S.R. Raina Burdwan, Burdwan, Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, 713103
Dag No.63, Khatian No. 1095, Mouza- Joykrishnapur, J.L. No. 97, P.O. and P.S. - Panskura, A.D.SR.- Panskura District- Purba Medinipur,, Joykrishnapur, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, 721139
Plot No./Dag No. 3063, Post Office-Chakchaka, A.D.S.R. Coochbehar, within the ambit of Chakchaka Gram Panchayat, District Coochbehar, Police Station - Kotwali, Cooch Behar, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, 736156
L.R. Khatiyan No.1810,Part I, OSWAL LOGIPARK,J.L.No.6, NH-2, Ward No. 28 of Chandannagar Municipal Corporation, Additional District Sub Registrar Chandannagar,Bighati, Hooghly, Old Delhi - Kolkata Road,P S -Bhadreswar, Bhadreswar, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712124
Inside Shyam Business Park, NH2,Dag no 857,861,866,869,885, 883 J.L no 102,Mouza Nijampur, Gram Panchayat Bora, Holding Nos- 5/294, Hooghly, C/o ASK FINANCIAL ADVISOR PVT LTD, Bora, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
272,273,274 and 1413,1414,1428,1429, NH2,J.L.nos-102 and 68, LR Dag Nos: 257,267,268,269,270,271, Holding Nos- 5/277 and 12,Mouza- Nijampur and Kapashariya, Gram Panchayat Bora and Kapashariya, Hooghly, C/o Paharimata Estate LLP, inside Shyam Business Park, Bora, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
Nabasan Ghoraghata, Behind Nabasan Petrol Pump, Beside Flipkart Warehouse, Bagnan, Howrah, Deulgram, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
DAG NO-1,2,4 AND 4/546, 2163,2178,2177,2179,2180, MADHYAPARA , SANKRAIL HOWRAH, WEST BENGAL, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
518, 519 & 521, Mouza Bhagabatipur, Jaladhulagiri Road, Sankrail Industrial Park, Howrah, West Bengal, Bar Bhagabatipur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
59A, Matheshwartala Road, Scooter Gali, 1st Floor, Opposite Kim Ling Restaurant, China Town, Kolkata, West Bengal, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700046
Muja Ankurhati,JL No. 30, Police Station Domjur, Howrah, West Bengal, Ankurhati, Howrah, West Bengal, 711409
Sky Logistic Park,Plot no. 3748, Village and Mouza - Subhara, P.O. - Subharara, P.S.- Panchla, District - Howrah, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Akur More, Purbapara, Madhabpur, Mayna Road, Amdanga, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700125
DTDC Express Limited, Property no.Daag No. 4413. 4418,P.S Domjur,Mouza Biprannapara, JL 27, West Bengal, Village Biprannapara, P.S Domjur,Mouza Biprannapara, JL 27, Natibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
Dag no.52,53,54,55,56&57 Khaitan No.3331 Sankrail Industrial, Dhulagarh, Mouza, bhagabatipur J.L. No 7, West Bengal, Nalpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711313
Global Logistic Park Sathgara, Mallickpara Serampore, JL No 27, Khatiyan 19812 Dankuni, West Bengal, Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712249
Satghoria,The Hub infra park, Opposite ITC Factory, P.O- Biki Hakola, P.S- Panchla, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711322

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The owner of Flipkart India Private Limited is YOGESH GUPTA, Prabhu Balasrinivasan, Rohit Musaddi.

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Flipkart India Private Limited is legally registered in the name of FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED and involved in Wholesale Business, Recipient of Goods or Services, Warehouse / Depot, Bonded Warehouse, Retail Business, Supplier of Services, Leasing Business type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of Flipkart India Private Limited issued under the GST system in India is 19AABCF8078M1ZY which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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Legal name is FLIPKART INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED and the Trade Name is Flipkart India Private Limited.

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GSTIN status of Flipkart India Private Limited 19AABCF8078M1ZY is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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Flipkart India Private Limited legal entity type is Private Limited Company.

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The registered address of Flipkart India Private Limited is ESR Warehousing and Logistic Park,B.No.3 & B.No.4, Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia, in J.L. No 9, 55 and 8 , PS Uluberia, Uttar Pirpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316.

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The principal place of business is ESR Warehousing and Logistic Park,B.No.3 & B.No.4, Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia, in J.L. No 9, 55 and 8 , PS Uluberia, Uttar Pirpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316.

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Under the GST Act 2017, Flipkart India Private Limited a Private Limited Company is officially registered with GST on 01 Jul 2017.

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