244/13, VKD COMPLEX, BADU ROAD, MADHYAMGRAM, DIGBEDIA, KOL, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700128
Shilpobroto Industrial Park, Jotiakali, Fulbari, Siliguri,West Bengal, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 734015
Prospace Industrial Parks, JL No. 11, Mouza Melumiki, P.S. Sreerampore, Hoogly, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
ESR Warehousing Pvt Ltd. Mouza Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia, J.L.No 9, 55, and 8. District-Howrah,West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
R.S. Dag/Plot No. 852 and L.R. Dag No. 2259, under Holding No. 24, Jessore Road, North Basunagar, Gate No -5, Madhyamgram, Madhyamgram Municipality, Ward No. 11, Police Station -Barasat, Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700129
DTDC Express Limited Kolkata, Jalan Complex,Post and Village: Bipprannapara, P.S- Domjur, Natibpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
Holding No. C1-43/114/1-2 comprised of Plot nos. 174, and 183 and another holding no. C1-42/1/NEW comprised of, Plot nos. 183, Ganapati Arcade,Holding No-C1-42/1/New, Ward No-016,B.B.T Road,P.O-Santoshpur,P.S-Maheshtala,Kolkata, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700141
Dag nos. 684 and 684/999, Joka, J.L. No. 21, pargana-balia, Khatian no. 436, within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, being premises no. 43/2, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata, Assessee no.711440404824,Addl.Dist.Sub-regist. office Behala, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700104
under L.R. Khatian No. 63 of the Howrah, Mouza- Malipanchgahra, J.L. 17, L.R. Dag no. 562, Municipal Corporation within the jurisdiction of Ward no. 62, being holding no. 4, Ahmed Mamooji Street bearing assessment, no.20002111456,Addl.Dist.Sub-regist. at Alipore,P.S.-Bally, Howrah, West Bengal, 711204
Khatian No 349,previously R.S.Khatian No.67,comprised in R.S, Mouza-Agarpara, J.L.No.11, Block-Barrackpore-II,under L.R., and L.R.Plot No./Dag Nos.1546 and 1547,being premises no.149, B.T.Rd,Kamarhati,PS.Khardah,ADSR Sodepur,Panihati Munipality, Ward No.08,Hol.No104F,Nilganj Rd,Kolkata, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700058
Basundhara Apartment, Ward No. 24, 165/89, 3, Ghosh Para Road, Barrackpore, Dist. - North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700120
Windsor Height Building, 2nd Floor, Ward No. 27, 277, Uttar Kumrakhali, P.S.-Sonarpur, Dist. - South 24 Parganas, Kolkata, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700103
ESR Warehousing and Logistic Park, Building No.1, Mouzas Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia in, J.L.No 9,55 and 8,PS Uluberia,District Howrah,West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Mohit Logistics and KK logistics Ware house, Sankrail Industrial Park, Dhulagori, Bhagabatipur, West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Adhikar pally , Ghora more, P.O.-Sahudangi Hat, P S NJP, Near Sahu bridge, Siliguri, Dist.Jalpaiguri,Siliguri, West Bengal, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 735135
Sy No. Situated at Old Delhi Road, Simla Mouza, Dist. Hooghly, Kolkata, West Bengal, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712249
ESR Warehousing and Logistic Park , Building No.2, Mouzas Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia in, J.L.No 9,55 and 8,PS Uluberia,District Howrah,West Bengal, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316
Flipkart India Pvt Ltd, L.R Dag No- 174,175,176,177, 178,179,180,181,182,185,186,187,, L.R Khatian no.- 5820,J.L No.11, mouza-Belumilki,P.S.-Serampore,Pearapur Gram Panchayat, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
Plot no.5 and 6, Arrjavv Industrial Park, Durgapur expressway, near coal india ltd, Dankunibil, West Bengal, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Instakart Services Private Limited, Plot No A1,Haringhata Industrial Park, District Nadia, West Bengal, Nadia, West Bengal, 741249
GROUND ROAD, D/193 TRENCHING, PS-Rabindranagar, PO-Garden Reach, KOL, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700024
Instakart Services Private Limited, Mouza Joka,Diamond Harbour Road, Municipal Corporation,Kolkata Police Station, Haridevpur,Kolkata, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700104
Instakart Service Pvt Ltd.Arar More, Bashirhat Road,P.O.Ganadipayan, P.S.Gobardanga, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 743263
Instakart Service Pvt Ltd. Arar More, Palpara,Phooltala, Kulpi Road ,Baruipur, South Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700144
INSTAKART SERVICES PVT LTD, Belghoria,147 Nilganj road, Near Kamarhati CESC office, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700056
Plot No RS 576 P JL No 96, Arihant Warehousing, C/O Jain Parking Opposite Sona Biscuit Factory,Delhi Road, Delhi Road Vill-Kharial, Dankuni, Hooghly, Bamunari, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
LR Plot No 931,934,936,955 to 962 965 ,966 ,1146 P.S Bh, Mouza Binnagiri JL No 3 Sheet Number 13, District Jalpaiguri West Bengal 734007, JALPAIGURI MUNICIPA, Siliguri, Darjeeling, West Bengal, 734007
1301/1302, Prathistha Commercial Pvt Ltd, Nasher Miles Pvt Ltd C/O ARAMEX India P. Ltd. FASTag Centre, Kalara, Howrah, West Bengal, Jaladhulagori Dhulagarh Toll Plaza, Andul, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
Khatian No. 5676, LR Plot No. 2433, Chakundi, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
SETU ETAIL, JUGBERIA,BILKANDA, BARASAT ROAD,SODEPUR, Panihati, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700110
Pro-Space, RS/LR DAG NOS-2505,2506,2515,2516, MOUZA, BELUMIKI JL NO 11 POST, BELUMIKI, P.SSERAMPORE MILKI BADAMTO, Belumilki, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712223
Dag No.491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496 497,J.L. No. 25, Khati, NH-2 Delhi Road, P.S. Dankuni, Village Mollaber P.O. Bamuna, Nawapara, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712250
Mouza - Chakdipa, J.L. No., under L.R. Khatian no. 4908, Holding no. N-605/459 within Haldia Municipality, comprised of R.S. and L.R. Dag no. 2574, Bhawanipur, Chakdipa, Barda, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, 721645
Plot No./Dag Nos. 1355, 1525, 1527 and 1529, DomjurA.D.S.R. Domjur, within the ambit of Salap I, Khalia, Howrah, West Bengal, 711114
Plot No./Dag Nos. 493 and 494, Hatinagar, Police Station Berhampore Town, A.D.S.R, Berhampore, within the ambit of Hatinagar Gram Panchayat, Sathi Nagar, Shibpur, Chaltia, Murshidabad, West Bengal, 742102
43/1 Garden Reach Road, shriram Industries Complex, Kolkata, Howrah, West Bengal, 700044
LR Dag no - 679to687,692,877to884,886 Manas Flour Mills, Durgapur Expressway, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712310
Plot No. LR- 1098, 1109, 1110,1111, 1165,1166, K.No- 2185,4404,4410,4453,5071,5072, J.L.No- 101, Jhanjra, Malda, Malda, West Bengal, 732142
C/o ASK FINANCIAL ADVISOR PVT LTD Inside Shyam Business Park, Dag no: 857,861,866,869,885,883 J.L no: 102, Mouza: Nijampur, Holding Nos: 5/294, Borai, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
C/o Paharimata Estate LLP, inside Shyam Business Park, NH2,, LR Dag Nos: 257,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274 and 1413,1414,1428,1429 Holding Nos: 5/277 and 12, Mouza: Nijampur, Kapashanria, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712306
Nh-6,Mouza And, Village Tenpur Nabasan & Hijlok PO, Bagnan, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
L.R. Khatiyan No.1810,Part I, OSWAL LOGIPARK,J.L.No.6, NH-2, Old Delhi - Kolkata Road,P S -Bhadreswar, Ward No. 28 of Chandannagar Municipal Corporation, Sub Registrar Chandannagar, Bighati, Hooghly, West Bengal, 712124
Plot no. Rs 1852, 1853, 1857, 1858, 1864, 1857, 1858, LR 1767, 1768, 1772, 1773, 1779, Mouza Jaladhulagori, Ps Sankrail, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
59A, Matheshwartala Road, Scooter Gali, 1st Floor, Opposite Kim Ling Restaurant, China Town, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700046
Sky Logistic Park,Plot no. 3748, Village and Mouza - Subharara, P.O. - Subharara, Panchpara, Howrah, West Bengal, 711302
518, 519 & 521, Mouza Bhagabatipur, Jaladhulagiri Road, Sankrail Industrial Park, Deulgram, Howrah, West Bengal, 711303
Holding no 185, Girish Ghosh Road, Additional district sub.reg. office, Howrah, Howrah, West Bengal, 711202
Plot no 254, CIT scheme no VIII, Situated at premises no 209, park street, Police station Beniapukur, ward no 64, Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700017
12, Jessore Road North, Udayrajpur, near Basu Nagar, Gate no 4, Madhyamgram, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700129
Central warehouse, Bonhooghly, Rehabilitation Industries Corpotion ltd, Industrial Estate, Bonhooghly, Titagarh, North Twenty Four Parganas, West Bengal, 700108
R.S. Plot no 450, 457, 458 & 459, situated at sheet no 17, J.L. no 3, Mouza Binnagiri, Pargana Baikunthapur, PsN JP dist Jalpaiguru, Siliguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 734015
LR 408, 411, 406, 407, Mouja JL no 100, Mouza Shaidabad, Near Kalikapur, Kalukapur ring road, Ringroad, Behrampur, Cossiam Bazar, Berhampore, Murshidabad, West Bengal, 742102
DTDC Express Limited, Property no.Daag No. 4413, 4418, Village Biprannapara, P.S Domjur, Mouza Biprannapara, JL 27, Bipra Noapara, Howrah, West Bengal, 711411
Building no 5, ESR Warehousing PRIVATE Limited, Mouza Chandipur, Harinarayanchak and Amraberia,J.L.No 9,55,and 8 Dist-Howrah, Uttar Pirpur, Howrah, West Bengal, 711316