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GST details ofAS Enterprise
18ALMPB2783Q1ZF  |  Kamrup Metropolitan
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GSTIN Details
As of 20 Feb 2025

Legal Name Of Business

Abhijit Borgohain

Trade Name

AS Enterprise

GSTIN Status


Date Of Registration

09 May 2021

Annual Turnover

Constitution Of Business


Place of Business

Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam

Nature Of Business

Works Contract


GST number of AS Enterprise is 18ALMPB2783Q1ZF. This business was registered under Proprietorship on 09 May 2021. This is GST number of Assam.

More Details

Business Owners

Abhijit Borgohain

Taxpayer Type




Principal place of Business

House No-3, Rodali Path, Janakpur Chariali, Kahilipara, KAHILIPARA, Guwahati, Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam, 781019

Jurisdiction Center

State - CBIC Zone - GUWAHATI Commissionerate - GUWAHATI Division - GUWAHATI II DIVISION Range - II-D RANGE (Jurisdictional Office)

Jurisdiction State

State - Assam Zone - Guwahati-C Unit - Guwahati-D Circle - GUWAHATI-D - 8 (Jurisdictional Office) (Jurisdictional Office)

No other place of business found for
AS Enterprise

Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC

SACS 995419
Construction services of other buildings nowhere else classified including construction services involving repair, alterations, additions, replacements, renovation, maintenance or remodeling of the buildings.
SACS 995422
General construction services of harbours, seaports and the like
SACS 995421
General construction services of highways, streets, roads, bridges and tunnels for roadways and highways
SACS 995424
General construction services of local water and sewage pipelines, electricity and communication cables and related works
SACS 995429
General construction services of other civil engineering works nowhere else classified including construction services involving repair, alterations, additions, replacements, renovation, maintenance or remodeling of the buildings covered by service codes 995421 to 995426 above.

Associated GST numbers

No associated GST numbers were found for AS Enterprise


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The owner of AS Enterprise is Abhijit Borgohain.

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AS Enterprise is legally registered in the name of Abhijit Borgohain and involved in Works Contract, Others type of business.

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The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of AS Enterprise issued under the GST system in India is 18ALMPB2783Q1ZF which can be found on the company's invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (https://www.gst.gov.in)

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Legal name is Abhijit Borgohain and the Trade Name is AS Enterprise.

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GSTIN status of AS Enterprise 18ALMPB2783Q1ZF is ACTIVE and registration type is REGULAR.

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AS Enterprise legal entity type is Proprietorship.

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The registered address of AS Enterprise is House No-3, Rodali Path, Janakpur Chariali, Kahilipara, KAHILIPARA, Guwahati, Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam, 781019.

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The principal place of business is House No-3, Rodali Path, Janakpur Chariali, Kahilipara, KAHILIPARA, Guwahati, Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam, 781019.

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Under the GST Act 2017, AS Enterprise a Proprietorship is officially registered with GST on 09 May 2021.

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