GST details of 4s aqua bio solutions 37AJBPN7981M1ZG Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
As of 03 December 2024
4s aqua bio solutions
GSTIN status
Active (Regular)
Date Of Registration
01 July 2017
Legal Name Of Business
Trade Name
4s aqua bio solutions
Place of Business
Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Constitution Of Business
Nature Of Business
Retail Business
Wholesale Business
Annual Aggregate Turnover
Doing Businesses in HSN/SAC
03082900 OTHER Industry Live Animals; Animal Products Sub Industry Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates. |
03081100 LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED Industry Live Animals; Animal Products Sub Industry Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates. |
More details
Business Owners
siva kumar NAMANA
Taxpayer Type
Gross Total Income
Principle place of Business
795/5, 795/5, east bapatla, kondubotlavari palem, bapatla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 522101
Jurisdiction Center
State - CBIC
Commissionerate - GUNTUR
Range - TENALI
Jurisdiction State
State - Andhra Pradesh
Division - GUNTUR II
Circle - BAPATLA
(Jurisdictional Office)
No other place of business found for
4s aqua bio solutions
Associated GST numbers
No associated GST numbers were found for 4s aqua bio solutions
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The owner of 4s aqua bio solutions is siva kumar NAMANA.
4s aqua bio solutions is legally registered in the name of SIVA KUMAR NAMANA and involved in Retail Business, Wholesale Business type of business.
The GST number (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) of 4s aqua bio solutions issued under the GST system in India is 37AJBPN7981M1ZG which can be found on the company’s invoices, official communications, or by visiting the GST portal. (
Legal name is SIVA KUMAR NAMANA and the Trade Name is 4s aqua bio solutions.
GSTIN status of 4s aqua bio solutions 37AJBPN7981M1ZG is Active and registration type is Regular.
SIVA KUMAR NAMANA legal entity type is Proprietorship.
The registered address of 4s aqua bio solutions is 795/5, 795/5, east bapatla, kondubotlavari palem, bapatla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 522101.
The principal place of business is 795/5, 795/5, east bapatla, kondubotlavari palem, bapatla, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, 522101
Under the GST Act 2017, 4s aqua bio solutions a Proprietorship is officially registered with GST on 01 July 2017.