What is the GST rate on doctors consultation fees?


Sandipan Mitra is the CEO and co-founder of Pice. He boasts eight years of experience in the B2B and fintech sector. Sandipan's journey includes significant roles at multiple Indian Unicorns Including Product at PayU, and as founding member / VP, Product at Open Financial Technologies.

  • 13 Sep 24
  • 9 mins
gst on doctors consultation fees

What is the GST rate on doctors consultation fees?

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avatar of sandipan mitra Sandipan Mitra
  • 08 Mins
  • 13-09-24

Key Takeaways

  • Healthcare services like hospitals and paramedics are exempt from GST, reducing treatment costs.
  • Doctor's consultation fees are GST-free, but some medicines attract 5% or 12% GST.
  • Cosmetic procedures such as plastic surgery are taxable and not exempt from GST.
  • Essential medicines like insulin and vaccines have 5% GST, while others can have up to 12%.
  • GST's impact has streamlined healthcare taxation and boosted medical tourism and alternative medicine in India.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is levied in India on the supply of goods and services. However, several medical and healthcare services are exempt from GST in India. This makes medical treatment less expensive compared to GST-inclusive costs.

In this blog, we will uncover the healthcare services that are free from GST and the applicable GST on doctor’s consultation fees. We will also navigate through the medicines taxed at 5% and 12% GST in India, and, finally, understand how GST has reshaped the landscape of healthcare services nationwide.

GST on Healthcare Services & its Applicability

Healthcare services include services provided for illness, injury, deformity, pregnancy and abnormality. It further includes patient transportation to and from a clinical establishment. However, it excludes services such as plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery and hair transplant.

Based on the inclusions and exclusions in healthcare services, the GST rates apply. There are applicable GST rates of 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% in India. However, there are certain restrictions and exemptions to GST applicability in the case of healthcare services in the country.

For instance, no healthcare and medical services have a 28% GST applicability in India. You can learn about the exemptions and GST applicability rates in the following sections.

Exemptions of Health Care Services

Notification number 9/2017 exempts healthcare services from GST. Here are the details of the same:


A. Health Care Services

Healthcare services include those pertaining to physical and mental health. In India, healthcare services in recognised systems of medicine are exempted from GST. However, there are certain exceptions, such as hair transplant, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, congenital defects, development abnormalities, trauma and injury, that are not exempt from GST.

B. Clinical Establishment

Clinical establishments are further exempt from GST. This includes hospitals, nursing homes, maternity clinics, dispensaries, sanatorium pathology or diagnostic centres owned by the following parties:

  • Government or a government department
  • A trust
  • A corporation that includes society
  • Or a medical practitioner

However, clinical establishments exclude any establishment owned and controlled by the armed forces.

C. Authorised Medical Professional

A medical practitioner qualified to practice and registered with any council of recognised systems of medicine or medical law in India is exempt from GST. However, exceptions include medical practitioners associated with hair transplants or domestic surgery.

D. Paramedics

Trained medical professionals such as physiotherapists, nursing staff, technicians and lab assistants are exempt from GST provided they work independently.

Which Health Services Are Taxable under the GST?

GST refers to tax levied on the supply of goods and services. The supply of services is exempt from GST in the healthcare domain. Services include those provided by senior doctors, consultants and technicians, the amount that the hospital charges from patients, and food that the hospital supplies to admitted patients. However, the food supplied to patients who are not admitted is taxable under the GST regime.

GST on Medicine Taxability

Certain medicinal supplies are taxable while others are exempt from GST. Here is a list of medicines and their tax applicability rates, including those that are exempt from GST.

DescriptionCGST RatesSGST RatesIGST Rates
Animal/ human blood vaccines2.5%2.5%5%
Diagnostic kits for the detection of all types of hepatitis2.5%2.5%5%
Desferrioxamine injection/ deferiprone2.5%2.5%5%
Medicaments (also including veterinary medicaments) which is used in biochemical systems and which do not bear a brand name2.5%2.5%5%
Oral rehydration salts2.5%2.5%5%
Drugs/ medicines (including their salts) and esters and diagnostic test kits as specified in List 1 to notification no. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate).2.5%2.5%5%
Formulations manufactured from the bulk drugs as specified in List 2 to notification no. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate).2.5%2.5%5%
Other drugs and medicines which are intended for personal use6%6%12%
Drugs/ medicines (including their salts) and esters and diagnostic test kits as specified in List 1 and Formulations manufactured from the bulk drugs as specified in List 2 to notification no. 1/2017- Central Tax (Rate) which is intended for personal use2.5%2.5%5%
Human blood and its componentsNILNILNIL
All the types of contraceptivesNILNILNIL

Impact of GST on Healthcare Services

GST has a positive impact on healthcare services irrespective of some issues pertaining to the healthcare sector's classification and applicability. The GST regime being a unified tax system, has replaced eight taxes in the healthcare sector.

One of the core issues in the healthcare sector taxes has been regarding the inverted duty structure that adversely impacted domestic manufacturers. However, the refund concept in GST has been an appropriate solution for the same. This is further boosting the growth of the healthcare sector.

Estimates reflect that the cost of the healthcare package has been around 30% to 40% of medical treatments in the first world countries. Nevertheless, GST has effectively projected the growth of the sector in terms of medical tourism.

In addition, India emphasises alternative medical practices such as Yoga, Unani, Sidha, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Acupuncture. The introduction of GST has further been effective in boosting medical tourism in India for alternative medical treatments. Thus, the GST regime has been effective in contributing to the economic development of the nation.

GST on Doctors' Consultation Fees

Doctor's consultation fees in India are exempt from GST. However, some medications that doctors prescribe are subject to 12% and 5% GST. In addition, health insurance attracts an 18% GST in India apart from the exempted medical or healthcare services.

Products and Medications Subject to 12% and 5% GST

Products and Medications Subject to 5% GST12% Goods and Services Tax (GST) Rate on Medical Products
Vaccines derived from human or animal blood, insulin, diagnostic kits for detecting various hepatitis types, oral rehydration salts, medications such as Dopamine, Penicillamine, Protamine, BCG vaccine, Streptomycin, Pyrazinamide, Hydrocortisone, Quinine, in addition to 200+ other specified drugs, Influenza Vaccine, artificial kidneys, disposable sterilised dialyzers or micro barriers for artificial kidneys, orthopaedic devices including crutches, artificial limbs, surgical belts, and trusses, fracture appliances, splints, artificial body parts, components of wheelchairs, braillers, crutches, tricycles, walking frames, coronary stents and stent systems used with cardiac catheters, infant milk food, ostomy appliances, and COVID-19 diagnostic test kits.Animal blood used for therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic purposes, antisera, blood fractions, toxins, microorganism cultures (excluding yeasts), modified immunological products, medicaments from ayurvedic, homoeopathic, Unani, Siddha, or biochemical systems, bandages, wadding, gauze, tooth powder, feeding bottles and their nipples, surgical and medical examination rubber gloves, dental and veterinary apparatus, X-ray machines, contact lenses, spectacle lenses, corrective spectacles, blood glucose monitoring systems (glucometer) with test strips, medical-grade hydrogen peroxide and medical-grade oxygen Concentrators.

SAC Code for Hospital, Doctor and Medical Services

There are two categories of SAC headings wherein the SAC code for hospital, doctors and medical services are distributed. While a significant majority of doctor and hospital services are in the category of social care and human health services, other services like veterinary services are in the category of professional, technical, and business services.

Here are the SAC codes for different healthcare services illustrated in the table below:

CategorySAC CodeSpecifications
Human Health ServicesSAC code 999311Inpatient services
SAC code 999312Medical and dental services
SAC code 999313Childbirth and related services
SAC code 999314Nursing and Physiotherapeutic services
SAC code 999315Ambulance services
SAC code 999316Medical Laboratory and Diagnostic-imaging services
SAC code 999317Blood, sperm and organ bank services
SAC code 999319Homoeopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture
Residential care services for the elderly and disabledSAC code 999321Residential healthcare services other than by hospitals
SAC code 999322Residential care services for the elderly and persons with disabilities
Other Social Services without accommodationSAC code 999351Child day-care services
SAC code 999352Guidance and counselling services n.e.c. Related to Children
SAC code 999353Welfare services without accommodation
SAC code 999359Other social services without accommodation
Other Social Services with accommodationSAC code 999331Residential care services for children suffering from mental retardation, mental health illnesses or substance abuse
SAC code 999332Other social services with accommodation for children
SAC code 999333SAC code 999333
SAC code 999334Other social services with accommodation for adults
Social Services without accommodation for the elderly and disabledSAC code 999341Vocational rehabilitation services
SAC code 999349Other social services without accommodation for the elderly and disabled

GST Rate for Medical, Hospital, Doctor and Social Services

The majority of the medical and healthcare services such as clinical establishments, authorised medical practitioners and paramedics. Veterinary services, cord blood bank services and patient transportation by ambulance are exempt from GST.

However, services that are not exempt from GST in the healthcare sector attract an 18% GST. If the mentioned services are not provided by clinical establishments, authorised medical practitioners and paramedics, they attract GST. Notably, no medical services attract 28% GST in India.


GST on doctor's consultation fee is zero as the doctor's consultation charge is exempt under the GST regime. Similarly, the majority of the healthcare services are exempt from GST such as clinical establishment, paramedics and other authorised medical practitioners.

However, certain medications attract 12% and 5% GST as they are not exempt under the GST regime. Knowing the medications that attract GST can enhance your awareness about GST applicability in healthcare services.

💡If you want to pay your GST with Credit Card, then download Pice Business Payment App. Pice is the one stop app for paying all your business expenses.


Are healthcare services in India exempt from GST?

Yes, most healthcare services in India, including those provided by hospitals, clinical establishments, and paramedics, are exempt from GST. This includes services related to physical and mental health, such as treatment for illness, injury, pregnancy, etc. However, cosmetic procedures like plastic surgery and hair transplants are not exempt and remain taxable.

Is GST applicable on doctor’s consultation fees?

No, doctor's consultation fees are exempt from GST in India. Whether it's a senior doctor, consultant, or general practitioner, their fees are not subject to GST. However, medicines prescribed during consultations may attract GST, usually at 5% or 12%, depending on the type of medicine.

What medicines are taxed under GST in India?

Medicines like insulin, vaccines, and diagnostic kits for diseases such as hepatitis are taxed at 5% GST. Other drugs, including specific treatments and formulations, may attract 12% GST. Some essential medical supplies and human blood products are completely exempt from GST.

Are clinical establishments subject to GST?

No, clinical establishments such as hospitals, nursing homes, and diagnostic centers are exempt from GST. This exemption applies as long as they provide healthcare services. However, establishments providing cosmetic or other non-essential medical services may be liable for GST.

How has GST affected healthcare costs in India?

GST has largely reduced tax complexity in the healthcare sector by exempting most essential services and medications. However, certain procedures and medicines still attract GST, which can marginally increase costs for patients. Overall, GST has streamlined taxation and promoted growth in medical tourism and alternative medicine.
About the author
Sandipan Mitra

Sandipan Mitra

Sandipan Mitra is the CEO and co-founder of Pice. He boasts eight years of experience in the B2B and fintech sector. Sandipan's journey includes significant roles at multiple Indian Unicorns Including Product at PayU, and as founding member / VP, Product at Open Financial Technologies.

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